サイバーポート(港湾物流)の料金体系等について | Cyber Port(サイバーポート)・CONPAS(コンパス)ポータルサイト


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Charges for Cyber Port (Port Logistics)

Legislative amendments related to "Cyber Port (Port Logistics)" ("Cyber Port"), which were made in November last year, will come into effect on October 1.
This amendment and related laws and regulations stipulate the following four points.
 1.the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to install and manage Cyber Port
 2.Scope of information handled by Cyber Port
 3.Notification of Use of Cyber Port
 4.Cyber Port pricing structure

*The revised Port and Harbor Law can be found here.

3. Notification and 4. Fee structure are explained below.
3. Notification
Laws and regulations provide for notifications to be made by companies, etc. that intend to use Cyber Port. Specifically, the application procedure for use from the portal site, which has been in place since October, will be the application procedure for use based on laws and regulations. The application procedure for use from will be the application procedure for use based on laws and regulations from October. Companies, etc. that applied for use in Cyber Port on or before October 1, 2023, do not need to apply for use or submit a notification again, as the information on the application is deemed to be a notification. If there is any change in the contents of the notification, please contact us via Inquiry.

4.Pricing Structure
The fee for using Cyber Port is as follows.
 Free until FY 2025
 Since FY 2026, 1 company has paid 6,600 yen per month (regardless of the number of offices or users)
 However, the fee is waived in the following cases (current assumption)
  From the start of use until the total number of transactions reaches 100
  Months with 10 or fewer transactions per month
   you will be charged for the month.)
  Companies that only provide data through the EDIFACT linkage function
   (currently, only shipping companies are applicable)
  *The number of transactions is not counted when only functions other than the document linkage function
   (Chat, terminal inquiry, various settings, etc.) are used.
 You have to pay the monthly fee for the year.
 We will keep in mind the necessary procedures and payment methods for charging, so that we can secure the period necessary to make a decision on whether to use the service.

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