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List of reports handled by Cyber Port

Report Code Report Name
UL010 BookingRequest
UL020 BookingRequestDangerousGoods
UL030 DangerousGoodsDescription
UL040 ShippingInstruction
UL050 BookingConfirmation
UL060 EmptyContainerPickUpOrder
UL070 DeliveryInstruction
UL080 EquipmentInterchangeReceipt
UL090 ContainerGateInSlip
UL100 CommercialInvoice
UL110 ProformaInvoice
UL120 PackingList
UL130 DockReceipt
UL140 ContainerLoadPlan
UL150 BillOfLading
UL160 SeaWayBill
UL170 MultimodalTransportBillOfLading
UL180 ContainerList
UL190 VanningInstruction
UL200 CargoManifest
UL210 FreightInformation
UL220 RemittanceSlip
UL230 RemittanceAdvice
UL240 BillOfLadingNumberNotice
UL250 BookingListOceanVessel
UL260 BookingListFeederVessel
UL360 DeliveryNote
UL440 VerifiedGrossMassReport
Report Code Report Name
UL070 DeliveryInstruction
UL080 EquipmentInterchangeReceipt
UL100 CommercialInvoice
UL110 ProformaInvoice
UL120 PackingList
UL150 BillOfLading
UL160 SeaWayBill
UL170 MultimodalTransportBillOfLading
UL180 ContainerList
UL200 CargoManifest
UL220 RemittanceSlip
UL230 RemittanceAdvice
UL250 BookingListOceanVessel
UL260 BookingListFeederVessel
UL270 ImportInstruction
UL280 CargoClearanceAnd
UL290 ArrivalNotice
UL300 DeliveryOrder
UL310 DeliveryOrderLessReques
UL320 CyDispatchOrder
UL330 CfsDispatchOrder
UL340 DeliveryDocument
UL350 ContainerDeliveryReceipt
UL360 DeliveryNote
UL480 TerminalInquiry
UL490 TerminalPayment

NACCS linkage support job code (GUI)

No. Business
Business Name
1 ACL01 ACL Registration for ship
2 ACL11 ACL Registration call
3 ECR export cargo registration
4 BKC booking change
5 BKR booking registration
6 BKC11 booking change call
7 BIC CarryIn Registration Export Uncleared Custom
8 ECR11 Export Cargo Registration Call
9 BIF11 Export Cargo Correction Call
10 BIF Export Cargo Correction
11 EDA Export Declaration Registration
12 EDC Export Declaration
13 EAA Export Permit Details Change Application Registration
14 EDB Export Declaration Call
15 BOC Dispatch Confirm Registration Export Permitted
16 BID CarryIn Confirm Registration Export Permitted
17 EAC Export Permit Details Change Application
18 EAB Export Permit Details Change Application Call
19 BOB Dispatch Confirm Registration Cargo Pick Up
20 BIE Off System CarryIn Confirm Export Permitted
21 VAN11 Vanning Registration Container Unit Call
22 VAE11 Vanning Registration Export No Unit Call
23 VAN Vanning Registration Container Unit
24 VAE Vanning Registration Export No Unit
25 VAC Vanning Cancellation
26 CYA CY CarryIn Confirm Registration
27 SAI11 Import Cargo Correction Call
28 SAI Import Cargo Correction
29 CYD01 Off System CY CarryIn Confirm B/L Unit Pre-Registered
30 SCR Simple Cargo Registration
31 SCR11 Simple Cargo Registration Call
32 IDB Import Declaration call
33 IDD Import Declaration change call
34 IDA Import Declaration Registration
35 IDC Import Declaration
36 IDA01 Import Declaration Change Registration
37 IDE Import Declaration Change
38 MSX Declaration Attachment Registration
39 MSY Declaration Attachment correction call
40 MSY01 Declaration Attachment Correction
41 AMA Modified Declaration Registration
No. Business
Business Name
42 AMB Modified Declaration call
43 MSB Attachment File Registration
44 AMC Modified Declaration
45 OLC Customs Transport Declaration
46 OLC11 Customs Transport Declaration call
47 OLA Customs Transport Declaration Registration
48 OLA11 Customs Transport Declaration Registration call
49 OLC20 Customs Transport Declaration Pre-Registered
50 BOA Dispatch Confirm Registration CustomsTransport Cargo
51 BOA House B/L Cargo Registration call
52 NVC02 HouseB/L Cargo Registration Association
53 BIA CarryIn Confirm Registration CustomsTransport Cargo
54 NVC01 House B/L Cargo Registration Register Correct Delete
55 DOR Import Cargo Delivery Registration
56 RSS11 Import Container PickUp Schedule Notification ID Notification call
57 RSS12 Import Container PickUp Schedule Selection ID Notification call
58 RST11 Import Container PickUp Schedule Notification ID Confirm call
59 RSS01 Import Container PickUp Schedule Notification ID Notification
60 RST01 Import Container PickUp Schedule Notification ID Confirm
61 CYO CY Dispatch Confirm Registration
62 ICG/ICG0W Cargo Information Inquiry
63 ICN/ICN0W Container Information Inquiry
64 IID/IID0W Import Declaration Inquiry
65 IVK Shipping Code Inquiry
66 IMI/IMI0W Cargo Manifests Status Inquiry
67 IIE/IIE0W Exporter Importer Inquiry
68 IXX Related Ministries Declaration Application Status Inquiry
69 IEX/IEX0W Export Declaration Inquiry
70 IER Exchange Rate Inquiry
71 IMS Declaration Attachment List Inquiry
72 IVS Arrival And Departure Inquiry
73 IWS Cargo Inventory Status Inquiry
74 ICI Shipping Container Inquiry
75 IAS Collateral Inquiry
76 IDI Import Declaration List Inquiry
77 IFR Free Time Information Inquiry
78 IML Pre-Departure Report List Inquiry
79 IAR Pre-Departure Report Inquiry
80 IES/IES0W Departure Declaration List Inquiry
81 IAL ACL Information Inquiry
82 IIE01 Corporate Number Inquiry


Target business
Shippers, Sea Cargo, NV, Shipping company
You can use Cyber Port to obtain booking and confirmed booking information. Reservations made from the shipping company'sr site are also reflected in real time, so they can be used for sharing and subsequent work.
Useage case
  • As booking confirmation information of the corresponding ship companies can be acquired centrally, the management department can obtain information on what ships are used in the company at once.
  • Since your own bookings are automatically accumulated, you can retrieve a list of booking numbers in real time and use them as keys for tracking, etc.
Supported company
(Booking confirmation information) ONEJAPAN, MSC

Exchange of invoices, etc.

Target business
Shippers, Sea Cargo, NV, Customs
You can exchange documents in the form of data on Cyber Port. If you previously created documents in Excel, you can import them into Cyber Port.
Useage case
  • By sending shipping requests to shippers in Cyber Port, you can manage the issues in the system without searching e-mails or organizing paper. Subsequent work can also be visualized.
  • The S/I in Excel received from the shipper can be imported into Cyber Port and used as the source data for subsequent customs clearance operations.

Container, Drayage Arrangement

Target business
Shippers, Land Transportation, CY, Warehouses
You can request drayages, container pickups, and more on the cyberport. If the business done thru FAX is communicated thru data exchange, this eliminates the need for management and storage.
Useage case
  • The information of the empty container arrangement is automatically applied to the cyber port, so it can be used for subsequent work.
Supported company
(Empty Container Pickup) Mitsui-Soko

NACCS business

Target business
Shippers, Sea Cargo, Customs
You can now link directly to NACCS from the CyberPort screen or from your own system screen, allowing you to do all your work in one-stop on one system.
Useage case
  • Cyberport can be accessed from anywhere, and there are no restrictions on terminals, allowing telework.
  • ICG information can be automatically used to update data in internal systems.
Supported company


Target business
Shippers, Sea Cargo, NV, Shipping company
You can use the cyberport to obtain arrival notice information, which can be used for sharing and subsequent work.
Useage case
  • Because the Arrival Notice information of the corresponding shipping companies can be acquired centrally, the management department can obtain all the information about what ships are used in the company.
  • The Arrival Notice is automatically notified by the system, so that utilization of data is made possible and forgeting of work is eliminated.
Supported company
(Arrival notice information) ONEJAPAN, Mitsui-Soko (distributor)

Exchange of invoices, etc.

Target business
Shippers, Sea Cargo, NV, Customs
You can exchange documents in the form of data on the Cyberport. If you previously created documents in Excel, you can import them into Cyberport.
Useage case
  • By requesting customs clearance through Cyberport, you can manage your items in the system without searching for e-mails or organizing paper. Subsequent work can also be visualized.
  • You can import Excel customs clearance instructions from the shipper into the cyberport and use them as source data for subsequent customs clearance operations.

Container, Drayage Arrangement

Target business
Shippers, Land Transportation, CY, Warehouses
You can request drayages, container pickups, and more on the cyberport. If the business done thru FAX is communicated thru data exchange, this eliminates the need for management and storage.
Useage case
  • To simplify work, data can be used to request drayage instead of using fax. Recipients can also manage performance with data.

NACCS business

Target business
Shippers, Sea Cargo, Customs
You can now link directly to NACCS from the CyberPort screen or from your own system screen, allowing you to do all your work in one-stop on one system.
Useage case
  • Cyberport can be accessed from anywhere, and there are no restrictions on terminals, allowing telework.
  • ICG information can be automatically used to update data in internal systems.
Supported work
IDA, IDC, ICG, etc.


Target business
Shippers, Sea Cargo, NV
Maintains information on the status of vessels at major ports, whether containers can be carried out, and free time. It can also be obtained by API.
Useage case
  • Acquire delays in entry and exit, whether containers can be shipped out, etc., and share them with suppliers.
  • Acquired ATA and ATD of Japan Port to manage the timing of sales of internal systems.
Supported port
Tokyo Port, Kawasaki Port, Yokohama Port, Osaka Port, Kobe Port, Niigata Port, Fushiki-Toyama Port, Yokkaichi Port

Terminal Inquiry

Target business
Sea Cargo, CY
You can request inspection to the terminal, inquire about demarrage, and make payment from the cyberport, which was previously done by telephone.
Useage case
  • To be able to make inquiries from anywhere, 24 hours a day.
  • Even at the terminal, there is no need for a counter or telephone service.
Supported terminal
Tokyo Port Aomi A4 Container Terminal, Tokyo Port Oi 3 and 4 Terminal, Yokohama Port Hommaki BC Container Terminal