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Cyberport will be introduced at NEC Nexa Solutions' seminar

During an online seminar held on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 by NEC Nexa Solutions, which handles the import/export business system “NEFIOS” for maritime cargo operations and “customs clearance digitalization solutions,” the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that Cyberport I would like to introduce our efforts.
For details, please check the release from NEC Nexa Solutions.

Seminar overview
Title:Trends in digitalization in port logistics and key points for system utilization and efficiency in the maritime customs clearance industry
Date:Wednesday, December 13, 2023 14:00-15:00
Format: webinar
Who:Forwarder,Customs clearance
1.About the benefits of using “CyberPort” and future prospects
2.What systems are required of maritime customs clearance companies for the digitalization of port logistics?
[Theme1]Overview and functional enhancements of the import/export business system “NEFIOS” for the shipping industry
[Theme2]Overview of customs clearance digitalization and CyberPort linkage function

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