[Reception closed] We will introduce the latest trends in cooperation with various trading platforms such as NACCS and how to utilize them ~Cyber Port WEB Seminar will be held again in fiscal 2024~
The number of applications for this seminar exceeded our initial expectation, and we closed the application due to the number of applicants reaching the limit of 500.
The application deadline is [Wednesday, June 26 17: 00], so if you would like to participate, please apply using the application form below before then.
The the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Port Authority will hold a webinar on "Cyber Port" on June 28, 2024.
In this seminar, we will introduce the latest trends in cooperation with various trading platforms and how to utilize them. We will also introduce the functions of cooperation with NACCS, which is of great interest to users, including demonstrations.

Cyber Por is a platform operated by the the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Port Authority that aims to improve operational efficiency and productivity by computerizing container distribution procedures among private companies.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has been holding regular webinars since fiscal 2022 to introduce the functions and usage of Cyber Port, and plans to continue doing so in fiscal 2024.
In the 7th seminar, which will be the first in fiscal 2024, we will introduce Cyber Port's aim to connect various trade platforms and package software, the latest trends in cooperation, and how to utilize them. In particular, the NACCS * linkage function, which is of great interest to users, will be demonstrated on actual operation screens, in addition to procedures for starting use, how to proceed with API linkage, and trends in functional improvement.
* Import/Export/Port Information Processing System operated by Nippon Automated Cargo And Port Consolidated System, Inc.
This seminar is especially recommended for the following people, so please join us.
Daily NACCS Operations
Users of Cyber Port and various trading platform packages
Suppliers of various trading platforms and packages
Outline of the conference
Date and Time : Friday, June 28 14:00~15:00
Format : Online (held via Zoom)
Cost : Free
Application Deadline : Wednesday, June 26 17:00(We will close once we reach the capacity of 1000 people.)
Application method
If you would like to participate, please fill out the application form at the following URL and apply.
*Media members who want to cover this seminar can also apply at the above URL.
Contact information
Please contact the contact information in the the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism press release.