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MITSUI-SOKO Co., Ltd. is using Cyber Port in its container terminal operations and shipping agency business at ports throughout Japan. We asked about the background of the introduction and future expectations.
Before After
Before After
Mr. Nakajima: Although port logistics has become more digitalized than in the past, sending of Arrival Notices from shipping companies and shipping agents is still done by fax, and there are many occasions when we need to answer the phone to confirm receipt and transmission of such notices. We decided to introduce Cyber Port in the hope that eliminating such faxes and phone calls as much as possible, would lead to more efficient operations not only for our company but also for shippers/consignees and forwarders who communicate with us.
As an initiative in the past, we have changed the receipt of empty container pickup orders and Delivery Order (hereinafter referred to as D/O) less applications from FAX receipt to WEB receipt, which has reduced the number of inquiries by phone and greatly improved the efficiency of our business. Based on this experience, we are convinced that "digitization" will lead to business improvement, and we believe that we will be able to contribute to improving the business efficiency of the forwarders and shippers/consignees who use our system by making information that is currently transmitted by fax or e-mail available as data on Cyber Port.
Mr. Kawakami: Currently, rather than utilizing Cyber Port at our company, we provide information that we send to shippers/consignees and forwarders by fax or e-mail, etc., as data through Cyber Port.
Specifically, when shippers/consignees, forwarders, etc. make various applications on our web application system (D/O WEB application system, POWER-T system), they can register their Cyber Port organization ID and business type together, and Arrival Notices excluding freight charges, and empty container pickup order confirmation information can now be linked to Cyber Port. In addition, B/Ls that meet various conditions, such as import charge payment and B/L collection, and have completed D/O output (NACCS DOR message output. Same as below) we have also builed a system to create a delivery order report data on Cyber Port.
In addition, a function has been added to the D/O WEB application system to download the transfer information at the time of application in the Zengin format (*1). By registering the information of the transfer source bank used by the applicant in the account information, the D/O-less application can be outputted in the Zengin format together with the information on the freight charges and the payee account designated by the shipping company. We hope that this feature will be utilized to save users the trouble of having to enter transfer details from scratch when arranging transfers over the internet. In the future, if Cyber Port and the money flow platform can be linked, this function could also be used to notify the completion of transfers.
(*1) Data format (file format) established by the Japanese Federation of Bankers Associations.
Mr. Kawakami: According to the current procedure, we are making it possible to link the same data that is sent by FAX or e-mail to Cyber Port,linking with Cyber Port has not changed our business flow and has not resulted in significant efficiency improvements in our business.
However, by linking Arrival Notice information, delivery order, and empty container pickup confirmation information from our company system to Cyber Port, I believe it will be advantageous for shippers/consignees, forwarders, and road transport operator who communicate with our company. If the necessary information can be obtained as data, there must be work that can be made more efficient, such as the input work into each company's internal systems.
Mr. Kawakami: A specific example of a situation that can be imagined is the interaction between a forwarder and a road transport operator when picking up imported cargo. When the road transport operator goes to pick up the cargo, it is necessary for the forwarder to complete the D/O exchange process. Although there is a way to check the processing status with NACCS, the road transport operator cannot use NACCS, so they have to wait for the contact from the forwarder. If the road transport operator can check it on Cyber Port, they don't have to ask the forwarder, so I think the forwarder and the rord transport operator can reduce inquiries by phone.
Mr. Nakajima: We were one of the first companies to switch over to WEB content for picking up applications for empty containers and D/O-less applications, which used to be handled by fax.
However, I feel that there is a limit to the system development and efficiency improvement that can be achieved by a single private company. If we can exchange information through Cyber Port, which is a forum that is widely open to business operators involved in port logistics, we expect to bring about even greater changes.
We are currently participating in Cyber Port as a shipping agency and terminal operator, and are in a position to provide upstream data on Cyber Port and encourage Cyber Port users to utilize the data in their subsequent operations. We have departments within the company for forwarder business, transportation, and NVOCC, so there is a great potential for the development and sharing of information within the company. The same applies to other companies in the same industry. We hope to contribute in some small way to the transformation of the way logistics operations are conducted.
Ms. Yamashiro: I believe that Cyber Port will be useful in the future for sending and receiving Arrival Notice as well. Frequently, we receive phone calls from forwarders who are not listed in the Notify Party on the B/L requesting an Arrival Notice, but basically, we cannot give an Arrival Notice to those who are not listed on the B/L. The reason why we frequently receive such inquiries is because the Notify Party and the forwarder who requested import customs clearance, etc. do not share information well, and in this case, the Arrival Notice is not shared.
Currently, after receiving an Arrival Notice from us by fax or e-mail, the applicant can apply for Arrival Notice linkage to Cyber Port through our D/O application system. Therefore, the acquisition of Arrival Notice data on Cyber Port is much later than originally required, and the advantage of being able to obtain the data is less than it could potentially be.
In the future, if shipping companies or their agents can obtain the Notify Party's organization ID and business type of Cyber Port at the time of sending the Arrival Notice, we expect that the current paper or PDF delivery of Arrival Notices will change to delivery via Cyber Port.
If that happens, it should be possible for Notify Parties to easily share information with the parties involved in the import procedures just by setting the Notify Party on Cyber Port.
Mr. Nakajima: I feel that the opportunities and benefits of using Cyber Port will increase as related companies provide data to each other. I hope that the use of Cyber Port by people involved in port logistics will lead to a better system.
[Person interviewed]
MITSUI-SOKO Co., Ltd. Port Business Administration Division
Mr. Toshiki Nakajima, General Manager
Mr. Jun Kawakami, Sales Planning Division Manager
Ms. Miho Yamashiro, Sales Planning Division
Interview Date: August 30, 2022